I scheduled the activities based on the days you have Science in your schedule. This should help you organize your daily work.

For 5ªA
1.      Watch the videos of Dr. Binocks, you will learn new   things about the Coronavirus.
2.    Read pages 4 and 5 of the Student´s book. In your notebook do activities 1 and 3 (page 5).   We will review your answers in class.

1.    Conduct the experiment of pages 8 and 9. If you don’t have all the needed materials, watch the video “Experiment Time” in this blog.  In your notebook, "Analyse your data and make conclussions." Enjoy!  We will talk about the conclussions in class.

For 5ªB
1.    Watch the videos of Dr. Binocks, you will learn new things about the Coronavirus.
2.   Read pages 4 and 5 of the Student´s book. In your notebook do activities 1 and 3 (page 5).   We will review your answers in class.

1.      Conduct the experiment of pages 8 and 9. If you don’t have all the needed materials, watch the video “Experiment Time” in this blog.  In your notebook, "Analyse your data and make conclussions." Enjoy!  We will talk about the conclussions in class.

For 5ªc
1.     Watch the videos of Dr. Binocks, you will learn new things about the corona virus.
2.      Read pages 4 and 5 of the Student´s book. In your notebook do activities 1 and 3 (page 5).   We will review your answers in class.

1.     Conduct the experiment of pages 8 and 9. If you don’t have all the needed materials, watch the video “Experiment Time” in this blog.  In your notebook, "Analyse your data and make conclussions." Enjoy!  We will talk about the conclussions in class.


  1. Hola maría ! Espero que estes bien !
    Tengo una duda sobre los números de la página de la clase 5C no me cuadra los números con el studen’t book de la fecha del 18/3 y del 20/3 . Nosotros tenemos el libro en casa . Son números de páginas del libro digital ?
    Muchas gracias


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